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Breakz Risk Assessment v1.01

1  Risk Assessment

1.1  Hazards

Hazardous issues which could be reasonably expected to result in significant human harm, as a result of our activities:
  1. Electrical equipment.

  2. Undesirable people.

  3. Strobe lighting.

  4. Slips, Trips or Falls.

  5. Capacity of venue (fire risk).

  6. Falling lighting cans.

  7. Excessive sound levels.

  8. Accidents.

  9. Fire/bombscare.

  10. Smoke machines.

  11. Moving heavy objects.

1.2  Risk Control

To control the risk issues highlighted in section 1.1, the following must be adhered to (respectively):
  1. A reputable company will be used. All equipment is to be PAT tested.

  2. Security to be present. Must be a ticketed event, where wristbands are issued.

  3. Warning signs to be used. Written on tickets, and posters. Stick to appropriate timescales and frequencies with strobes.

  4. Clear walkways. All cables routed and taped. First aid to be present.

  5. Doorsafe to keep capacity count. Make sure that the number of wristbands present on door matches event capacity.

  6. All equipment to be properly secured.

  7. Keep average noise level at 96dB.

  8. First aid to be present.

  9. Stewards monitoring fire exits. Follow University procedure in the event of an evacuation.

  10. Only use water based fluid machines. Change alarms from smoke to heat.

  11. Only properly trained people to lift heavy objects.

1.3  Further Action

Further actions that will be taken to control risk are:
  • Make all members aware of this risk assessment.

  • Ensure that an adequate number of stewards are present for each event.

  • Non-students must be signed in at events.

  • All performers must have their own personal liability insurance, or be members of the society.

2  Breakz Code of Practice

Before any event can be run, each of the following conditions must be adhered to:
  1. Full first aid cover must be provided for any accidents, which may occur.

  2. Door-safe must be present at each event to control any disorderly persons. They will also monitor capacity.

  3. Become fully aware of the venues capacity. Do not sell more tickets than the fire capacity allows.

  4. Any person attending the event must be made aware of strobe and smoke effects.

  5. All electrical equipment supplied for the event must be PAT tested and approved by the YUSU for the safety of everyone involved and for insurance purposes.

  6. All loose cables and wires must be securely fixed via cable ties and tape.

  7. All fire exits must be attended and kept clear by stewards in case of fire, and crowd control.

  8. In case of an emergency all attendees must obey the universities written procedures.

  9. Non-students must be signed in and all performers must be members of the society.

  10. The venue must be left in a good condition.

  11. All event equipment must only be used by trained personnel.

File translated from TEX by TTH, version 3.43.
On 31 Oct 2020, 14:44.